(IEPP) WOD 2/20/2013

“warm up” 

Get a 1 rep max  for squat clean 

Amrap 12 minutes

5 hangcleans (135/95)

6 push press (@ clean weight)

8 wall balls

1 pull up

4 toes to bar


bar hold hang/over head (95# 135#

“when you work in the dark the light at the end of the tunnel is easiest to see”

(IEPP) WOD 2/18/13 “Into the darkness”

As titled “into the darkness” is the first stage of this revolution. What does that mean?  This is the stage that is so basic it could be done in the dark. Deadlifts, squats, pushups, pullups, etc. This is the time to stack on mass and work load, to find the passion and really put this engine into gear.   Heavy workload is the key to this month really stacking on everything possible.  Over the previous summer my body was ramped up to 5 wods a day 5 days a week. Going into a competition I looked around at everyone afterwards wondering how the could be so sore and tired.  Falling off the wod train has put me in there shoes and I am taking them off today and putting the shoes I was meant to wear, my shoes!   I have been given the freedom of time and the gift of my own box.  At first people described it as the freedom to train whenever I want! It is actually now the opposite as It becomes my prison, The place that I am bound to and can not leave, trapped in until. I can rise and climb out of  at the end of this first cycle I shall emerge from the darkness and view Austin again as the contenders measure themselves in the crossfit open.


WOD 2/18/13

Deadlift 7 5 5 5 3 3 3

Over head hold 95# 135# 185#  for time

5×8 rows (@225)

5 rounds for time (with 50 lb. vest)

15 wall balls(20 lb. ball 10 ft. target)

10 decline pushups

12 walking lunges

8 burpees




100 Kb swings for time (with 50 lb vest, everytime kb is put down 1 lap around building)

(IEPP) “The weigh in” 2/14/13

So to begin this transformation A good look at what I am starting with is needed!

Today is feb. 14th and I weigh 270 pounds and on a basic Bmi calculator I am 40% body fat.  Standing at 5’8” I am more than just out of shape I am just a lump of misguided muscle and fat.

270 lbs. is way more than anyone should every weigh at my height. It is deceiving to me because I can rock out at crossfit. Sure there are things that I can’t do but put me up against another 270 lb. person and I look like lightening.  

For the longest I have told my self things such as  “it means my body weight RX is higher than the average person” ” I am doing pretty good for an overweight guy”  I look at it now as sad excuses to dodge my real problems.

Austin’s fittest games 2013 would have ripped me to pieces due to this I am competing in the world of fitness period. There is no  The fittest man alive “obese” category  if I am going to chase such a title I should not have a single handicap or excuse  hindering my abilities.

270 lbs.  40 inch waste 44 inch gut.  Not very “bane”  Targeting what number I want to weigh is a waste of time. To look fit and be fit is what matters, over the months I will be weighing in and adding photos to show the changes. Today was the hardest pics to take from now on my self esteem will become greater and greater as I become smaller and smaller.


NOTE: The goal of this isn’t a six pack or a specific weight or waist size. I want to look the part of a man who chases fitness, who walks the walk and never has to talk about being fit.


Next weigh in will be March 18th!  



(IEPP) wod 2/15/13

3 rounds for time:

7 hbbs @ 315

3 power snatches @135

5 presses @ 185

Small update since the start of this yesterday  No more alcohol of any sort until I have achieved the numbers that I set out for.  I understand now that  to get what I want I have to give away the smaller things in life that were holding me back from achieving the greater goal.

One thing at a time I will be stripping away of the old me as I move into the “bane” me! Is it worth it?  YES!

The workouts will gear up week after week adding more and more to the daily work.

“I am Austin’s reckoning”   #fittest games 2014

(IEPP) WOD 2/13/13

5 rounds for time:

7 deadlifts (315#)

10 Wall balls (10 ft. target, 20# ball)

1 lap around building

“Don’t Worry comrade the Bane will come later”


Pictures of me right before the first WOD will be posted with my times


This is a long term goal but with very fast paced results by the time The fittest games hit I would like to not even remember what it was like before this…..

Inspired by evil, POWERed by passion



The first time I watched The Dark Knight Rises I was at the front two rows of the theater craning my neck to get any view of the movie. I was not able to absorb all the greatness that is Bane! The second and third time seeing the movie in the comfort of my own home brought on this strange feeling of inspiration. Not to cause harm on others or two destroy Gotham. It inspired me to channel my  quest for power and performance to achieve a certain look and feel. 

I have never been a slim person over even a toned person, looking like a Calvin Klein model or a polo ad  never seemed possible so I never put any effort into my diet or nutrition. Seeing the mass on Bane’s back and upper body by anybody gave some levels of intimidation. I want that! To be described “round like dough” is a kick in the face but to be described as “round like a boulder”  gives off another meaning entirely. 

The Crossfit Games is soon upon us a few weeks or so. That is out of the picture, the Fittest Games however is within perfect time to strike!

Normal weight lifting cycles that I hear about rotate on 6 week cycles Since My body has always done best in short periods with leaps in PR’s instead of gradual gains I will be experimenting with 1 month heavy gain cycle and 1 month body weight cutting cycles. 

A few notes on this before the cycles begin.

1.( The wods and rest times are designed for me by me I have my set of prior skills and quirks that make them possible)

2.( This is experimental, pictures of changes along with adjustments will be put in place over time. I do not claim this to be the perfect workout even for me)

3.( At the start of this I will list the supplements I am taking if any and any changes in that department) 

5 main goals and purpose of the Bane experiment are:

1. Train my weak zones to prep for the fittest games coming this year(Banes best is my worst, Perfect fit)

2.Give purpose to my pursuit of power and performance

3.Achieve the fit look that fits me 

4.Test my theories of strength gaining 

5.Lose weight! which is what i’m sure everyone wants from me!